...In Her Lie (France) - Gothic/Doom Metal
...of the Human Condition (Australia) - Melodic Death / Gothic Metal
13 Candles (Gbr/ United Kingdom) -Gothic Metal/Rock
2 Son Multitud (Spain) - Doom/Gothic/Folk Metal
2Excess (Germany) - Gothic Metal (early), Dark/Progressive Metal (later)
3rd Room (Italy) - Gothic Metal
3's Eve (United States) - Experimental / Gothic Black Metal
4order (Finland) - Gothic Metal
4saken1 (United States) - Gothic Metal
5grs (Iran) - Progressive Thrash/Gothic Metal
69 (Serbia) - Gothic/Doom Metal
7th Moon (Spain) - Gothic Doom Metal
9xDead (United Kingdom) - Gothic Metal
A Dark Performance (Bolivia) - Melodic Gothic Metal
A Dream of Poe (Portugal) -Gothic/Doom Metal
A Fonds Perdu (Austria) - Gothic Metal
A New Dawn (Netherlands) - Melodic/Gothic Metal
A Pale Horse Named Death (United States) - Doom/Gothic Metal
A Perfect Circle
A Scapegoat's Faith (United States) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Aava (Brazil ) - Gothic/Power Metal
Aavas (Germany) - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Ab Aeterno (Argentina) - Gothic Metal
Abadoom (Colombia) - Gothic Metal
Abhwhore - Blackened Gothic Metal
Abigail (Romania) - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal (early), Gothic Metal (later)
Abonos (Serbia)- Gothic Metal
Absenth (Russia) - Gothic Metal
Absentia (Spain) - Symphonic Black/Death/Gothic Metal
Abside (Italy) - Progressive Heavy/Gothic Metal
Abwhore (United States) - Blackened Gothic Metal
Abysmal Grief (Italy) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Abyss (Russia) - Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Abyssaria (Germany) - Gothic Black Metal
Access Beyond (Finland) - Gothic Metal
Access Veyond - Gothic Metal
Accid Reign (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Acelsia (Norway) - Gothic Metal/Rock
Acheron (Poland) - Gothic/Black Metal
Aclinic Line (Puerto Rico) - Death/Gothic Metal
Acoustical Crime (Germany) - Thrash/Death Metal (early), Thrash/Gothic Metal (later)
Acrolith (Portugal) - Gothic Metal/Rock
Acropolis (Russia) - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Act 3 (Sweden) - Gothic Metal
Activated Carbon (China) - Gothic Metal
Ad Infinitum (Sweden) - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Ad Nutum (France) - Pagan/Gothic Metal
Ad Vacuum (France) - Atmospheric Gothic Metal
Adagio del Limbo (Argentina) - Gothic Metal
Adastreia (United Kingdom) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Adh Seidh (Spain) - Gothic Metal
Ador Dorath (Czech Republic) - Melodic Gothic/Black Metal
Adoration (Germany) - Melodic Heavy/Gothic Metal
Adversus (Germany) - Gothic Metal with Folk influences
Advocatus Diaboli (Germany) - Gothic Metal
AEmbermoon - Gothic Metal
Aenigmata (United States) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Aeons (France) - Gothic Metal
Aeternitas (Germany) - Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Aevum (Italy) - Gothic Metal with Progressive Influences
After Dark (Germany) - Gothic Metal
After Forever (Netherlands) - Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal
Afterglow (Italy) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Agate (Norway) - Gothic Metal
Agathodaimon (Germany) - Symphonic Black Metal (early), Gothic Metal (later)
Ageless (Poland) Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
Aggelos (Colombia) - Gothic Metal
Aghast (Colombia) Gothic Metal
Aghonya (Chile) - Gothic Metal
Aglarond (Mexico) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Agogh (Czech Republic) - Gothic Metal
Agon (Spain) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Agonia (Rus) - Gothic Metal
Agonística (Argentina) - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Agony (Austria) - Gothic Metal
Agora (Turkey) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Agregator (Hungary) - Gothic/Death Metal
Aion (Poland) - Gothic Metal
Aither (Italy) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Akael (Brazil) - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Akallabeth (United States) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Akem Manah (Belgium) - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Akentra (France) - Gothic Metal/Rock
Akkabal (Mexico) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Akoma (Denmark) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Akphaezya (France) - Avant-garde Gothic/Progressive Metal
Alantia (Netherlands) - Gothic Metal
Alchem (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Alchemists of Darkness (Spain) - Gothic Metal
Alchemy of Life (Italy) - Epic Doom/Gothic Metal
Alchera (Venezuela) - Gothic Metal
Alchoholika La Christo
Aldaron (Poland) - Doom/Gothic/Heavy Metal
Aldren Liebe (Brazil) - Dark/Gothic Metal
Alek (Serbia)- Progressive Metal with Gothic influences
Aleph (Brazil) - Gothic Metal
Alexandria (Spain) - Gothic Metal
Alexandria (United States) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Alibech (Mexico) - Gothic Metal
Alice in Darkland (Italy) - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Alight (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Aljahilia - Folk Gothic
All Shall End (United States) - Gothic Metal/Classical
Alleri Ahe (Turkey) - Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Allure of Damnationv (Mexico) - Gothic/Black Metal
Alma Mater (Spain) - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Almacridaem (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Almôra (Turkey) - Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Altair (Poland) - Death/Doom Metal (early), Doom/Gothic Metal (later)
Altamira (Hungary) - Gothic/Doom/Atmospheric Metal
Altherea (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Amadea (Hungary) - Gothic/Death Metal
Amadeus (Poland) - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Amalthea (Germany) - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Amantyde (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Amaranth (Serbia) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Amaranthys (France) - Gothic Metal
Amarantine (Finland) - Death/Black/Gothic Metal
Amartia (France) - Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
Amatory (Indonesia) - Gothic Metal
Amatris (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Amazigh (Tunisia) - Gothic Metal
Ambrosia (Greece) - Black/Gothic Metal
Amederia (Russia) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Amenkharis (Brazil) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Amenophis Dusk (Uruguay) - Gothic Black Metal
Amenthes (Germany) - Gothic/Death Metal
Amerta (Indonesia) - Gothic Metal
Amertad - Gothic Metal
Amidst the Withering (United States) - Black/Gothic Metal
Amnom (Brazil) - Gothic/Death Metal
Ámok (Serbia) - Gothic/Death Metal
Amon Hen (Spain) - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Amor e Morte (Bulgaria) - Symphonic/Orchestral Black/Gothic Metal
Amor e Morte (France) - Gothic Metal
Amoris Umbra (Chile) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Amorticure (Germany) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Amos (Brazil) - Gothic Metal
Amset (Spain) - Heavy Metal (early), Gothic Rock (later)
Amsvartnit (Italy) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Anabantha (Mexico) - Doom / Gothic Metal
Anachorete (Denmark) - Blackened Gothic Metal
AnaDies (United States) - Gothic Metal
Analog (Poland) - Gothic Metal
Anaphora (France) - Symphonic Gothic Metal/Rock
Anathema -
Anatomiae Occultii (Venezuela) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Ancestral (Spain) - Death Metal (early), Dark Gothic Metal (later)
Ancient Drive (Finland) - Gothic Metal
Ancient Prophecy (Germany) - Power / Death / Gothic Metal
Anckora (Russia) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Ancor (Brazil) - Gothic Metal
Andem (Russia) - Melodic Gothic/Power Metal
Anemonia (Canada) - Gothic Metal
Angel (Hol) - Gothic Metal
Angel (Netherlands) - Gothic Metal
Angel of Anger (Italy) - Black/Death/Gothic Metal
Angel of Fire (Croatia) - Gothic Metal
Angelblood (United States) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Angelcoma (Paraguay) - Gothic/Black Metal with Industrial Influences
Angelcorpus (Colombia) - Gothic Metal
Angeldark (Spain) - Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Angelical Tears (United States) - Gothic Metal/Rock
Angélida (Spain) - Melodic/Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal
Angelize (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Angelize Project (Russia) - Gothic Metal
Angels in Exile (United States) - Dark Doom/Gothic Metal
Angels of Deception (United States) - Thrash/Gothic Metal
Angel's Sorrow (Poland) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Angelus (Venezuela) - Gothic Metal
Angercure (Bulgaria) - Gothic Metal
Angry Demon (Poland) - Black/Gothic Metal
Angryon (Italy) - Gothic/Black Metal
Angtoria (Sweden) - Gothic Metal
Anhedonia (Mexico) - Melodic Doom/Gothic Metal
Anima (Bolivia) - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Anima Naïve (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Anima Poetae (Italy) - Dark Gothic Metal
Animae Vector (Italy) - Gothic/Melodic Metal
Animal Alpha - Dark Gothic Metal
Ankhagram (Russia) - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Anlis (Brazil) - Gothic Metal
Annatar (Netherlands) - Symphonic Dark Gothic Metal
Anomally (Portugal) - Death/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Anon Remora (United States) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Anora Dimentia (Israel) - Gothic/Melodic Black Metal
Another Sad (Romania) - Gothic/Death/Black Metal
Ansoticca (Germany) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Antarhes (France) - Gothic Metal
Anthyma (Italy) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Antichrisis (Germany) - Melodic Gothic/Black/Folk Metal (early) Medieval Gothic Rock/Folk (later)
Antinomy (Italy) - Avant-Garde/Extreme Gothic Metal
Anti-Systematic (Sweden) - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Antonamasia (Australia) - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Anubis (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Anubiz (Germany) - Gothic/ Death Metal
Anueta (Indonesia) - Gothic Metal
Aperion (Slovenia) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Aphelion Aphrodites (Portugal) - Melodic Doom/Gothic Metal
Apifanor - Heavy Gothic Metal
Apnia (United Kingdom) - Melodic Gothic Metal
Apocalypse Woman (Italy) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Apostate (Poland) - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Apparition (United Kingdom) - Gothic Metal
April Fish (Italy) - Melodic Gothic/Doom Metal
Apriori (United States) - Dark Ambiolic Gothic Metal
AraPacis (Canada) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Arborea (Spain) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Arbour (Norway) - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Arcane Asylum (United States) - Black Metal/Gothic Rock
Arcane Dimension (United States) - Gothic Metal
Archaic Revival (United States) - Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal
Archantia (Spain) - Melodic Death/Gothic/Power Metal
Archmages (Estonia) - Doom / Gothic Metal
Ardor (Poland) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Ardulph Ardebahr Wald (Germany) - Black/Gothic Metal
Arenaris (Germany) - Black Metal (early), Gothic/Dark/Death Metal (later)
Arevhutus (Indonesia) - Gothic Metal
Argile - Gothic Death Metal
Arhat (Ukraine) - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Arise from Thorns (United States) - Doom/Gothic/Progressive Metal
Arkan (France) - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal with Middle Eastern Influences
Arkhesia (France) - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Armaga (Russia) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Armenia (Japan) - Crust/Thrash Metal/Gothic
Armour (Indonesia) - Gothic Metal
Army of in Between (United States) - Gothic/Industrial (early), Black/Industrial Metal (later)
Árnyak (Hungary) - Gothic Metal
Ars Amatoria (Austria) - Gothic Metal/Progressive Rock
Art de Light (Poland) - Gothic Metal/Rock
Art in Exile (Australia) - Dark / Gothic Metal with Industrial influences
Art of Abyssus (Switzerland) - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Art of Silence (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Ártemis (Brazil) - Gothic Doom Metal
Artery (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Artificio (Venezuela) - Gothic Metal
Artmania (Russia) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Artrosis (Poland) - Gothic Metal
As Light Dies (Spain) - Death/Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Asche des Lebens (Germany) - Gothic Rock/Metal
Asebia (Germany) - Gothic Metal with Darkwave influences
Asgaard (Poland) - Gothic/Black/Doom Metal
Asgard (Ukraine) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Asguard (Belarus) - Melodic Death Metal, Gothic/Industrial Metal
Ashen (Netherlands) - Melodic Gothic Metal
Ashen Images (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Ashes of Destiny (Germany) - Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Ashes You Leave (Croatia) - Death/Doom Metal (early), Gothic/Doom Metal (later)
Ashler (Ecuador) - Progressive, Gothic Metal/Rock
Asmoday (Italy) - Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Asmodeus (Sweden) - Gothic/Doom Metal
ASP - Gothic Industrial
Aspergillus Flavus (Poland) - Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Asphodel (Greece) - Doom/Death Metal (early) - Gothic Metal (later)
Asrai (Dutch) -
Asriel (Japan) - Melodic Power/Gothic Metal
Asstellyte (Poland) - Gothic Metal
Asterius (Germany) - Blackened Symphonic / Gothic Metal
Asthenia (Netherlands) - Gothic Metal
Astheria (Poland) - Gothic Metal
Astral (Czech Republic) - Black/Gothic Metal
Astral Symphony (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Astrodust (Hungary) - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Asura (Italy) - Symphonic Black/Gothic Metal
Asylum (Croatia) - Industrial/Gothic/Symphonic Black Metal
Asynja (Sweden) - Gothic/Folk/Viking Metal
At Dawn (Germany) - Gothic Rock/Metal with Death Metal and Industrial influences
At Domine (Poland) - Gothic/Death Metal (early), Progressive Metal (later)
At Infinitum (Colombia) - Gothic Metal
Atanab (Colombia) - Gothic/Death/Black Metal
Atargatis (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Ate (Poland) - Extreme Gothic Metal
Atenoux (Austria) - Symphonic/Gothic/Black Metal
Ater Draconis (United States) - Gothic Metal
Athalay (Hungary) - Black/Gothic Metal
Athanor (Poland) - Gothic Metal
Athenia (United Kingdom) - Gothic Metal
Athrox (Nor) - Avant Goth Metal
Atis (Russia) - Gothic Metal
Atmosfairy (France) - Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Atmosfear (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Atoll Nerat (Russia) - Gothic Black Metal
Atomica (Russia) - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Atratus (Turkey) - Gothic Metal
Atrocity (Germany) - Death Metal (early), Gothic/Industrial (later)
Atromorta (United States) - Symphonic Black/Gothic Metal
Atrox (Norway) - Avant-garde Gothic/Progressive Metal
Audi Sile - Gothic Black Metal
Augury (Germany) - Gothic/Dark Metal
Aura+ (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Gothic Metal/Rock
Aural Vampire (Jpn)
Auri Sacra (Poland) - Gothic Metal
Auto-de-Fe (Russia) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn (Netherlands) - Gothic Metal
Autumn (Russia) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn Clan (Austria) - Gothic Metal
Autumn Dweller (Sweden) - Death/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Autumn Rain Melancholy (Russia) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn Rain Melanic
Autumn Sun (South Africa) - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Autumn Tenebre (Mexico) - Gothic Metal
Autumn Twilight (Hungary) - Gothic Metal (early), Gothic Rock (later)
Autumnblaze (Germany) - Melodic Blackened Doom Metal (early), Gothic/Depressive Rock (later)
Ava Inferi (Portugal) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Avalon Burning (Canada) - Gothic Metal with Power influences
Avariel (United States) - Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Avatar (Belgium) - Symphonic Black Metal (early) - Gothic/Black Metal (later)
Avatar (Germany) - Gothic Metal
Avathar (Austria) - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Avernal Oath - Dark Gothic Metal
Avernus (United States) - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Avith (Greece) - Gothic Metal
Awaiting Destiny
Awake by Design (United Kingdom) - Melodic Gothic Metal
Ayin Aleph (United States) - Progressive/Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Azotth (Chile) - Gothic Metal
Azrael's Progeny (Italy) - Gothic Metal
Azrael's Seed (Germany) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Azylya (Belgium) - Gothic Metal
Dan Zukovic's "DARK ARC", a surreal and stylish gothic modern noir called "Absolutely brilliant...truly and completely different..." in Film Threat, was recently released on DVD and Netflix through Vanguard Cinema (http://www.vanguardcinema.com/darkarc/darkarc.htm), and is currently
ReplyDeletedebuting on Cable Video On Demand. The film had it's World Premiere at the Montreal Festival, and it's US Premiere at the Cinequest Film Festival. Featuring Sarah Strange ("White Noise"), Kurt Max Runte ("X-Men", "Battlestar Gallactica",) and Dan Zukovic (director and star of the cult comedy "The Last Big Thing"). Featuring the goth/punk tunes "Dark Fruition", "Ire and Angst" and "F.ByronFitzBaudelaire", and a dark orchestral score by Neil Burnett.
TRAILER : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPeG4EFZ4ZM
***** (Five stars) "Absolutely brilliant...truly and completely different...something you've never tasted
before..." Film Threat
"A black comedy about a very strange love triangle" Seattle Times
"Consistently stunning images...a bizarre blend of art, sex, and opium, "Dark Arc" plays like a candy-coloured
version of David Lynch. " IFC News
"Sarah Strange is as decadent as Angelina Jolie thinks she is...Don't see this movie sober!" Metroactive Movies
"Equal parts film noir intrigue, pop culture send-up, brain teaser and visual feast. " American Cinematheque